James Cameron Hits Bottom

Way to totally overshadow my post about makos, guys.

In case you haven’t been following, filmmaker and ocean enthusiast (seriously, have you seen The Abyss?) James Cameron has made it to the Challenger Deep, also known as the bottom of the Marianas Trench, also known as the deepest point of the ocean on the planet.  Congrats to James and the entire Deep Sea Challenge team.  I can’t wait to see the footage and photos of what they see down there (first tangible evidence of Cthulhu?).


  1. john · March 25, 2012

    How much you figure James’s dive cost? Maybe out of my league. To the bottom of a tidal pool I go.

    • Chuck · March 25, 2012

      Today I had to go down 15 feet to pick up a brick at the bottom of a pool for scientific diver class. Probably my limit on one breath. I’d make a poor free-diver.

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