This Dogfish Turns 2

A little milestone occurred last week that I managed to miss in the flurry of recuperating from Science Online: Ya Like Dags? reached its second year of existence.  This humble corner of the ocean blogosphere started on January 25th, 2010, as a means of documenting…

Getting Psyched for Science Online

Later this week I’ll be journeying to Raleigh, North Carolina for Science Online 2012, a celebration of all things science on the internet.  Rather than the traditional “see a bunch of talks” format that I’m used to at conferences, Science Online is composed of a…

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to take this moment to wish a happy new year to all readers, fellow ocean bloggers, and people stumbling across this on the internet.  Make sure you have a safe place to land if you overindulge, and may next year make this year…

Overdue Book Reviews – Demon Fish and Sharks of North America

I’ve reached that point where I’m starting to apologize in each post for how long its been since the previous post.  Well, no more apologies.  I’ve been buried in both starting the PhD and finishing the Masters, and unfortunately the free time to post has…

Apologies All Around

Apologies for the incredibly slowed pace of posting here.  Between travel, moving into a new apartment, and an academic week from hell I’ve been sadly neglecting Ya Like Dags? for a couple weeks.  I’m coming out of the busy times now, so keep checking in…

Duke Grad Student Mini-Symposium Recap

This past weekend I headed down to beautiful sunny Beaufort, North Carolina for the semi-biannual (is that even a word?) Duke Grad Student Mini-Symposium.  This event is open to all North Carolina-based universities willing to send grad students to check out other students’ research, develop…

Ramble On

Fresh back from a visit to the Jersey Shore with the Hot Girlfriend, which means I have tonight to catch my breath and finish off my presentation before I catch a plane to Minneapolis for JMIH/AES tomorrow.  Looking forward to catching up with all my…

Back to New England

Tomorrow I get up bright and early and head back to Massachusetts with the Rulifson lab to see if we can finish the job we started in May before being thwarted by the weather.  It should be warmer and hopefully there will be more than…

Dogfish on Tour: Minneapolis then Seattle

A little advance notice on a couple public appearances I’ll be making in the near future.  Of course all the shark/fish/reptile nerds know about the upcoming Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in Minneapolis, where I’ll be giving a talk during the AES portion of…


Hey all.  Posting will be sparse for the next few days due to a mini-vacation I’m on with family.  In the meantime, check any of the blogs and sites linked on the sidebar, particularly Dave’s post debunking the “18 foot thresher sharks” that have been…