Sustainable Canadian Dogfish

This week the Vancouver Sun has been running a series of articles on shark fisheries and conservation (found via Underwater Times).  There’s a lot of good stuff there, and just about all of it is actually very positive and pro-shark, which can be frustratingly rare…

Help a Starving Grad Student

So it’s been a pretty awesome turn-out for The Gam Classroom Initiative and several of the projects have been successfully funded.  That doesn’t mean you should let up though.  541 potential Jaques Cousteaus (or Steve Zissous) have been reached, but I’d definitely prefer to see…

Save the Herring!

Not too long ago the ol’ sister-ship blog posted about the growing Save the Krill movement, which aims to turn at least some conservation resources towards a species that occupies a more basal position in the marine food web.  This makes a lot of sense. …

Isurus oxyglinkus

Unfortunately a punishing round of grading exams and lab reports has kept me from posting since about Monday.  I’m through it now, but now I’m far too brain-fried to offer up any substantial posts.  While I recover my aching brain, enjoy these offerings from the…

Sharks, Shifting Baselines and the Oil Spill

Linked off of Ahab’s Journal is this interesting and very thorough article about the state of shark management in Florida.  I won’t try to summarize the whole thing and it’s definitely recommended reading, especially since it’s one of the most even-handed reviews of Florida’s shark…

Another One Joins the Hive Mind

I’d like to offer a warm welcome to the newest blog to join The Network.  The Skeptical Moth is primarily concerned with insects of the moth variety as well as sharp takedowns of bad science journalism and entemological pseudoscience (there’s a surprising amount of pseudoscience…

Feeding Habits Analysis: Clash of the Titans

It’s been a little while since I’ve added to my world-famous series of posts on spiny dogfish gut contents, but today I found something that proved to be entertaining for the entire lab, and perhaps a little heartbreaking for some.  Those of us in the…

Sharks and Trophic Cascades: Cut and Dry?

A recent post over at Chronicles of Zostera referenced a paper that has become a monster in the world of marine ecology and shark conservation.  That paper: Myers et al. (2007).  It’s actually a relatively unassuming paper kind of tucked into an issue of Science,…

All Science Begins in the Field

Apologies for all the short posts lately.  I’ve got a nice fat research post on deck, so don’t worry.  There’s just this matter of a huge stack of stats homework to get through first (damn you, grad school!).  In the meantime, check out the latest…

New England Great Whites Headed South

It’s been a while since I’ve written about the great white shark presence off the coast New England, and I’m a little behind on the story now.  According to the Cape Cod Times, eight white sharks have been tagged off the coast of Cape Cod…